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Share some IBM Certified Sales Specialist C9010-260 exam questions and answers below. A POWERS customer with disk expansion drawers needs a non-disruptive solution to improve the disk performance at the lowest cost. What should be proposed to satisfy the customer's requirement? A. V7000 SAN Disk B. 840 Flash Storage C. DS5000 SAN Disk D. SSD drives Answer: D
Which P0WER8 technology features contribute the most to lower TCO? A.CAPI and transactional memory B.High performance cores and SMT C.PCIe Gen3 support and Hot Plug adapters D.First Failure Data Capture and Thermal Power Management Device Answer: B
Customers want to run an Oracle application which POWER8 and competitors platform both provide. The Oracle application per core permission. Which POWER8 processor advantage can provide a competitive advantage of total cost of ownership (TCO) aspect? A. core performance B. 8 cores per processor C. 3 memory cache D. processor instruction retry Answer: A
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