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Share some CCNP 300-101 exam questions and answers below. In IPv6, SLAAC provides the ability to address a host based on a network prefix that is advertised from a local network router. How is the prefix advertised? A. routing table B. router advertisements C. routing protocol D. routing type Answer: B
An engineer is configuring a GRE tunnel interface in the default mode. The engineer has assigned an IPv4 address on the tunnel and sourced the tunnel from an Ethernet interface. Which option also is required on the tunnel interface before it is operational? A. tunnel destination address B. keepalives C. IPv6 address D. tunnel protection Answer: A
Which two routing protocols are supported by Easy Virtual Network? (Choose two.) A. RIPv2 B. OSPFv2 C. BGP D. EIGRP E. IS-IS Answer: B,D
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