Monday, January 1, 2018

H12-224-ENU HCNP-R&S Fast Track

And professional H12-224-ENU HCNP-R&S Fast Track are a very important part. Our Passtcert can have a good and quick provide of professional H12-224-ENU HCNP-R&S Fast Track. Our Passtcert IT experts are very experienced and their study materials are very close to the actual exam questions, almost the same. Passtcert is a convenient website specifically for people who want to take the certification exams, which can effectively help the candidates to pass the exam.

Share some HCNP-R&S H12-224-ENU exam questions and answers below.
A Notification message with Error Code 2 indicates an error OPEN message. 
Which of the following error sub-codes can be contained in this OPEN message? 
A. 1: indicates that the version number is not supported. 
B. 2: indicates that the AS of the peer is incorrect. 
C. 3: indicates that the BGP identifier is incorrect. 
D. 4: indicates that the Optional Parameters filed is not supported. 
Answer: ABCD

Which of the following statements are correct regarding Master in VRRP? 
A. The router with highest priority will become Master. 
B. The router with smallest priority will become Slave. 
C. The router with highest priority may not always be Master. 
D. The router with smallest priority may not always be Slave. 
Answer: CD

Which of the following solutions effectively defend against ARP attacks? 
A. Binding a MAC address and an IP address 
B. Enabling the ARP attack protection function on a Huawei switching device 
C. Adding network segments to different VLANs on a switch 
D. Enabling IP packet filtering 
Answer: ABC

What are the types of firewalls developed so far? 
A. Packet filtering firewall 
B. Proxy firewall 
C. Anti-virus firewall 
D. Stateful firewall 
Answer: ABD

Which of the following authentication modes does VRRP use? 
A. No authentication 
B. Simple text password 
C. MD5 
Answer: ABC

Status detection is an advanced communication filtering mechanism. It checks the application layer protocol and monitors the status of the connection-based application layer protocol. For all connections, the status information about each connection is maintained by ASPF and is used to dynamically determine whether to permit or deny data packets to firewalls. 
A. True 
B. False 
Answer: A

Which of the following is the priority value of the DMZ on the Eudemon? 
A. 10 
B. 50 
C. 75 
D. 85 
Answer: B

Virtual firewalls on the Eudemon are not allowed to access each other by default unless a security policy is specified. 
A. True 
B. False 
Answer: A

TRUE/FALSE: A device can be assigned an IP address, with the mask being 255. 255. 255. 240. 
A. True 
B. False 
Answer: B

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Other online websites also provide H12-224-ENU HCNP-R&S Fast Track, but the quality of our products is very good. Our H12-224-ENU HCNP-R&S Fast Track have high accuracy. Our training materials have wide coverage of the content of the examination and constantly update and compile. Passtcert can provide you with a very high accuracy of exam preparation. Selecting Passtcert H12-224-ENU HCNP-R&S Fast Track can save you a lot of time, so that you can get the Huawei H12-224-ENU certification earlier to allow you to become a Huawei IT professionals.